Dilma Rousseff Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.

Dilma Rousseff Fast Facts


Birth date: December 14, 1947

Birth place: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

    Birth name: Dilma Vana Rousseff

      Father: Pedro Rousseff, operation entrepreneur

      Mother: Dilma Jane (da Silva) Rousseff, teacher

      Marriages: Carlos Araujo (1973-2000, divorced); Claudio Galeno Linhares (1968-early 1970s, divorced)

      Children: with Carlos Araujo: Paula, 1976

      Education: Federal University of Rio Grande bash Sul, B.A. Economics, 1977

      Other Facts

      Prior to moving for president, she had ne'er tally for an elected office.

      Joined the absorption question against the subject dictatorship and was jailed and allegedly tortured successful the aboriginal 1970s.

      Rousseff democratized Brazil's energy assemblage done the "Luz Para Todos" (Light for All) program, which made energy wide available, adjacent successful agrarian areas.


      1986 - Finance caput for the metropolis of Porto Alegre.

      2003 - Is named curate of mines and vigor by President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva.

      2003-2010 - Serves arsenic seat of Petrobras, Brazil's state-run lipid company.

      June 2005-March 2010 - Lula da Silva's main of staff.

      April 2009 - Is diagnosed with signifier 1 lymphoma and begins treatment. By September, she is declared crab free.

      October 31, 2010 - Wins a run-off predetermination to go Brazil's first pistillate president.

      September 21, 2011 - Becomes the archetypal pistillate person to footwear disconnected the yearly United Nations General Assembly debates.

      2011 - Allegations of corruption are the ground of her dismissal of six furniture ministers successful her archetypal twelvemonth successful office. Between June and December, her main of staff, ministers of tourism, agriculture, transportation, sports and labour on with 20 proscription employees resign arsenic a effect of the scandal.

      September 24, 2013 - In a code earlier the UN General Assembly, Rousseff speaks astir allegations that the US National Security Agency spied connected her. "Tampering successful specified a mode successful the lives and affairs of different countries is simply a breach of planetary instrumentality and, arsenic such, it is an affront to the principles that should different govern relations among countries, particularly among affable nations."

      2014 - Executives astatine Petrobras are accused of illegally "diverting" billions from the company's accounts for their idiosyncratic usage oregon to wage disconnected officials. Rousseff served arsenic seat of Petrobras during galore of the years erstwhile the alleged corruption took place. She denies immoderate cognition of the corruption.

      April 17, 2016 - A full of 367 lawmakers successful the Brazilian parliament's little location ballot to impeach Rousseff, comfortably much than the two-thirds bulk required by law. The impeachment question volition adjacent spell to the country's Senate.

      May 12, 2016 - The Brazilian Senate votes 55-22 to statesman an impeachment proceedings against Rousseff. Rousseff volition measurement down for 180 days and Vice President Michel Temer volition service arsenic interim president portion the proceedings takes place.

      August 4, 2016 - After a last study concludes that reasons beryllium to proceed with formally removing Rousseff, the Brazilian Senate impeachment committee votes successful favour of trying the suspended president successful beforehand of the afloat legislature chamber.

      August 25, 2016 - Rousseff's impeachment proceedings begins.

      August 31, 2016 - Brazil's Senate votes 61-20 successful favour of removing Rousseff from office.

        September 5, 2017 - Corruption charges are filed against Rousseff, her predecessor Lula da Silva, and six Workers' Party members. They are accused of moving a transgression organization, to divert funds from state-owned lipid steadfast Petrobras. The charges are related to Operation Car Wash, a lengthy wealth laundering probe conducted by the Brazilian government. Lula da Silva, Rousseff, and the Workers' enactment contradict the allegations.

        October 7, 2018 - Rousseff lone receives 15% of the ballot for legislator successful the wide election.

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