Sheriff: State Rep brought handcuff key into cell

(WXYZ) — State Representative Jewell Jones is present facing much charges aft helium was arrested and brought into the Livingston County Jail for violating the conditions of his bond.
Inkster State Representative Jewell Jones jailed for enslaved violation
Jones allegedly brought a handcuff cardinal into his jailhouse cell, which was discovered during his intake procedure, Livingston County Sheriff Michael J. Murphy said.
It each started connected April 6 successful Fowlerville. Video shows the 26-year-old Democrat arguing with instrumentality enforcement aft being arrested for drunk driving. He was released connected bond.
He was ordered to look for a question proceeding successful Judge Michael Hatty’s Courtroom Tuesday.
Prosecutors accidental helium violated enslaved 3 times now. In June, helium was accused of leaving subject grooming without notifying the court. In July, helium failed to wage a tribunal invoice. Tuesday, helium pleaded blameworthy to drinking connected September 3 and tampering with his alcohol-sensing tether connected Labor Day.
On Wednesday, Jones was issued 2 much charges: 1 four-year felony and 1 five-year felony.
"This feline is simply a existent portion of work, and an embarrassment to each elected officials, and I judge helium thinks someway the laws bash not use to him," Murphy said successful a property release. "More than that, I americium mad. Had the handcuff cardinal ended successful an wounded to my unit oregon different inmate, I americium not definite what I would person done; arsenic my superior work is the information and information of my unit and inmates."
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