FROM THE FIELD: Women owning the peace
The contribution of women activists towards building peace across the world is being highlighted in a UN exhibition of images taken by women photographers which is opening online and in New York.

The publication of women activists towards gathering bid crossed the satellite is being highlighted successful a UN accumulation of images taken by women photographers which is opening online and successful New York.

Mouna Awata (left) is the president of the Women’s Peace Hut (Case de la Paix) successful Gao, Mali, and mediates with equipped groups to resoluteness conflicts. , by Kani Sissoko
In Their Hands: Women Taking Ownership of Peace, profiles 14 women from 3 continents who person mediated with equipped groups, participated successful bid talks, precocious governmental solutions and advocated for women’s rights and participation.
The UN says that contempt advancement implicit the past fewer years, women are inactive often excluded from ceremonial bid processes portion their divers experiences, cognition and expertise often spell unrecognized.
The accumulation is being staged online here, and successful concern with New York City’s flagship photography festival, Photoville, successful Brooklyn, until December, wherever you tin find retired much astir however these 14 women have made the peace, arsenic good arsenic the photographers who profiled them.
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