TV OT: Which streaming service is treating Halloween right? Plus, 'Squid Game's' tentacles
For those who are ending this pre-Halloween week feeling dead from exhaustion or just dead inside, here's this week's TV OT.

TV OT is simply a play look astatine what CNN's amusement squad is watching since excessively overmuch tv has america each moving overtime.
(CNN)For those who are ending this pre-Halloween week feeling dormant from exhaustion oregon conscionable dormant inside, here's this week's TV OT.
Grading the Halloween programming connected each streaming service. Fight me.
My hubby was distant connected a concern travel past play and arsenic overmuch arsenic I marque amusive of him for taking excessively agelong to prime programming erstwhile we're together, I indispensable confess present that I really fell dormant portion searching each our streaming services for thing spooky to watch.
My deepest tendency arsenic a streaming lawsuit is this: For my algorithms to person brunch together. (Not a boozy one; they request to beryllium sober for this important work.) They truly request to beryllium talking to each different and genuinely putting their champion options guardant the infinitesimal I log on. I consciousness similar my Hulu would payment from knowing my Netflix choices. My Amazon Prime would truly get a boost from knowing what's happening connected my Disney+. HBO Max needs to converse with my Peacock.
I cognize my algorithms are not performing to their champion abilities due to the fact that sometimes I'll beryllium digging heavy into a fixed room and find a hidden gem that for immoderate crushed wasn't served up connected my homepage. It is with this successful caput that I contiguous my findings from my play heavy dive.
When it comes to creepy programming, Hulu's room is its champion asset, with everything from brushed thrills similar "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Sleepy Hollow" to "American Horror Stories." The aforesaid tin beryllium said for movies, with Mariah Carey-esque scope similar "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" to "It." (Question: Why is "Edward Scissorhands" listed nether Huluween? It's a CHRISTMAS MOVIE.) You can't bushed it content-wise, but with a room similar this, it's baffling to maine that determination isn't a curated database of champion Halloween TV episodes for maine to property "play" on. I thought determination was astatine 1 constituent earlier this month, but possibly I dreamt it? If it wasn't a dream, it's surely a missed opportunity. B+
Being location to the "A Nightmare connected Elm Street" and "Conjuring" collections is capable to marque this a contender for champion Halloween streamer successful my book. It besides hosts the astir caller "It" films and modern classics similar "Corpse Bride" and "Warm Bodies." If I were judging based connected movies alone, it'd beryllium a coagulated A, but I took a fewer points disconnected for besides not curating the champion Halloween episodes crossed its properties. But, twist, I gave backmost immoderate of those points erstwhile I saw they'd curated each the Halloween episodes from "The Middle." In all, "B+" for organization, "A" for offerings, for an A- total.
(CNN and HBO Max are some portion of WarnerMedia.)
I mean, what's not to emotion here? Home of "Hocus Pocus," every "Simpsons Treehouse of Horror" episode, the highly charming "Muppet's Haunted Mansion," "Halloweentown," the ace cute "Under Wraps." The database goes on. A
Amazon Prime Video
Because this work is present location to the TV adaptation of "I Know What You Did Last Summer," you tin besides find each the movies here, including the highly skippable "I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer." In summation to different on-theme films similar "Midsommar" and "Monster Squad," you tin watercourse horror-adjacent TV bid like "Dexter" and "Bates Motel" with your subscription. I'm pleased with the wide options, but I bash hatred it erstwhile thing makes the featured leafage but is lone disposable for rent oregon purchase. I'd accidental I springiness successful astir 30% of the time, but the different 70%, my rage sends maine sulking implicit to different streaming service. B+
If you thought "Halloween Kills" was the lone enactment this work had to play, you're wrong. But it is its strongest movie note. The remainder of the movie offerings permission a batch to beryllium desired BUT they bash person a conception for Halloween episodes from "The Office," "Modern Family," "Parks and Recreation," and more. Finally! It besides offers a breakdown for those who privation their contented organized by monster, which was incredibly creative. Their programmer gets an A+, the work wide gets a B-
I'll support this brief: This is terrible. The lone vague motion connected the work that we're entering the astir amusive vacation of twelvemonth is that they changed the rubric representation for "The Movies That Made Us" to a cartoon of Freddy Krueger. When I went digging for the scary content, I did travel upon films like "Little Evil," "Fear Street" and "The Strangers." Otherwise, Netflix is the equivalent of that location that keeps their structure airy off. I'll drawback the eggs. C-
Brace yourself for 'Squid Game' wannabes streaming ashore.
CNN's Brian Lowry has seen the future, and it suggests that "Squid Game" is going to person a batch of tentacles.
"In 1 of those "Well that took astir arsenic agelong arsenic expected" moments, Netflix's occurrence with "Squid Game" volition beryllium followed by different creepy Korean drama, "Dr. Brain," this clip for Apple TV+.
The show, which features Lee Sun-kyun ("Parasite"), marks Apple's archetypal Korean-language offering. The communicative involves a neurologist who experiments with "brain syncs" to entree the memories of the dead, yielding customary mad-scientist-type unforeseen consequences.
"Dr. Brain" premieres Nov. 3, to beryllium followed a fewer days aboriginal by the instrumentality of "Narcos: Mexico," a bid predominantly changeable successful Spanish, which on with shows similar the French import "Lupin" arguably helped interruption down immoderate of the absorption among English-speaking Netflix subscribers successful the US to watching bid with subtitles.
The bully quality astir that is greater vulnerability for planetary TV production, and Americans exhibiting a much receptive palate for fantabulous enactment from overseas. Part of that dynamic dates backmost to the aftermath of World War II, erstwhile the US provided movies (and aboriginal TV series) to the satellite portion galore countries were inactive recovering.
The down broadside is that successful Hollywood, much of thing inevitably means much failure, and the cautious curation successful picking programs volition go little selective, tilting toward tonnage implicit quality.
Streaming services are bare for content, truthful it's nary astonishment that much planetary bid would beryllium getting the greenish light. Programmers should beryllium cautious, though, due to the fact that arsenic "Squid Game" reminds us, that reddish airy tin beryllium a killer."
Netflix's movie mayhem begins successful November.
One much from Lowry, arsenic Netflix takes a leafage from the villain successful "Superman 2."
"Netflix has a ton of contented successful mean times, but November signals the duplicate onset of its movie-awards propulsion and vacation fare, which, added to the regular watercourse of bid (hello, "Tiger King 2"), has a existent "Kneel earlier Zod" feeling to it.
Many of the films are receiving theatrical releases of undetermined scope anterior to their debut connected the service. And the onslaught doesn't conscionable see awards bait (although there's batch of that), but vacation movies with titles similar "A Boy Called Christmas" and "A Castle for Christmas," and lighter escapist fare similar "Red Notice," a teaming of Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds and Gal Godot that sounds similar thing birthed successful the laboratory for maximum social-media attention.
Other movies coming to Netflix adjacent period see the occidental "The Harder They Fall" (Nov. 3); the rom-com "Love Hard" (Nov. 5); "Passing," starring Tessa Thompson and Ruth Negga (Nov. 10); "Red Notice" (Nov. 12); the philharmonic "Tick Tick ... Boom!," Lin-Manuel Miranda's directing debut, and "The Princess Switch 3" (Nov. 18).
Hollywood is trying to rebuild the theatrical business, and determination person been immoderate encouraging signs. But it's worthy remembering that 1 of the biggest drags against prompting movie-goers to get disconnected the sofa is the manufacture devoted to keeping them contentedly glued to it."
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