Strobe weapons: What are they, who is using them and do they work?
Belarusian soldiers used flashing lights to daze Polish forces amid a border stand-off last week. Strobe weapons have been claimed to have more serious effects, but evidence is lacking

Belarusian soldiers utilized flashing lights to daze Polish forces amid a borderline stand-off past week. Strobe weapons person been claimed to person much superior effects, but grounds is lacking Technology 17 November 2021
Polish forces unafraid a obstruction connected the borderline with Belarus, wherever thousands of migrants are attempting to participate the European Union Territorial Defence Forces of Poland's Ministry of National Defence via Getty Images
Strobe devices person been utilized connected Polish forces by Belarusian troops arsenic they tore up a obstruction connected the borderline betwixt the countries past week. Strobe weapons, designed to daze oregon immobilise opponents with flashing light, person been developed since the 2nd satellite war, but this appears to beryllium their archetypal usage successful a concern beneath the level of unfastened warfare.
The incidental occured aft the European Union accused Belarus …
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