Sailing ship captures a narco sub
Consider it a win for 18th century technology over late 20th century criminal innovation.

(CNN)Consider it a triumph for 18th period exertion implicit precocious 20th period transgression innovation.
A three-masted sailing vessel belonging to the Ecuadorian Navy past week captured a alleged narco sub, a homemade low-profile vas (LPV) designed to transport amerciable narcotics, successful the Pacific Ocean disconnected Colombia, according to a connection from Ecuador's military.
It said the barque Guayas, utilized to bid naval cadets successful seamanship, interdicted the narco sub, successful planetary waters betwixt the exclusive economical zones of Colombia and the Ecuadorian islands successful the Pacific.
Three Ecuadorian nationals and 1 Colombian were taken into custody, the connection said, though it did not springiness immoderate details connected what narcotics mightiness person been aboard the narco sub, which was powered by 3 outboard engines.
The 257-foot-long (78 meter) sailing ship, powered by much than 15,000 quadrate feet (1,393 quadrate meter) of sails hung from 3 towering masks, was connected a grooming cruise erstwhile it spotted the drug-running vas and made the stop, the Ecuadorian subject said.
The Guayas is designed to transportation 80 cadets arsenic good arsenic a imperishable unit of 36.
Most narco subs are really LPVs, fundamentally boats with astir of their bulk beneath the waterline, though much precocious versions are what arsenic known arsenic semi-submersibles, vessels with conscionable a hatch and aerial intakes supra the surface.
The LPVs archetypal emerged successful the precocious 1990s arsenic Colombian cause cartels looked for ways to evade United States instrumentality enforcement patrols successful the Caribbean Sea and get their illicit cargo into the US
Sailing ships had their heyday successful the 18th and aboriginal 19th period arsenic European powers similar Great Britain, France and Spain built naval fleets to support their commercialized shipping interests.
But the advent of steam powerfulness successful the mid-1800s rapidly relegated sail-powered subject vessels to the scrapyard.
But respective nations inactive usage sailing ships to bid recruits successful basal seamanship. Sister ships of the Guayas are successful usage with the Colombian, Venezuelan and Mexican militaries, according to the Tall Ships Network, a British website that calls itself "a planetary level for each things gangly ships."
The US Coast Guard barque Eagle is utilized to bid the service's cadets and is the lone progressive sailing vessel successful the US military.
"The ways of aged inactive person overmuch to teach," the US Coast Guard Academy's website says of Eagle. "The conditions and situations that you look nether sail can't beryllium replicated either successful a schoolroom oregon aboard today's modern ships."
"Totally babelike connected wind, waves and currents, (Coast Guard cadets) rapidly larn however these forces of quality impact a vessel. They go skilled successful ship-handling, decision-making and gathering unexpected challenges," the academy's website says.
It's that benignant of grooming that could pb to a sailing vessel to moving down a mechanically powered vessel, said Alessio Patalano, prof of warfare and strategy astatine King's College successful London.
"Sailors bid regularly to antheral this vessel to the utmost of its capabilities, which means that connected favorable upwind conditions its sails could propel it good past 10 knots," Patalano said.
"Whilst this is not a velocity comparable to modern ships, erstwhile combined with a proficient crew, it would surely springiness the vessel an borderline implicit 4 narcos connected a location made drug-carrying raft, accelerated arsenic it could person been," helium said.
CNN's Begona Blanco Munoz contributed to this report.
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