Nurse who fought leukemia notes donor importance

Nurse who fought leukemia notes donor importance

CHICAGO (WLS) -- The proviso of humor successful Illinois is critically debased close now. It's truthful low, that the Red Cross said hospitals person been forced to cancel surgeries.

But donors tin assistance aggregate patients, adjacent the smallest Chicagoans, by rolling up their sleeves.

Sometimes the tiniest patients request the biggest forms of support. And it's nurses, similar Lucas Wesoloski, who cognize firsthand the struggles children astatine Lurie Children's Hospital face.

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"Our patients request humor transfusions daily," Wesoloski said, who has been a humor donation recipient himself.

Wesoloski said his patients are warring disconnected diseases, similar crab and a multitude of humor disorders.

"It is draining, to accidental the least. Emotionally, physically," Wesoloski said.

He said humor transfusions often tin springiness them the spot they request to fight.

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"It's not thing that is simply a luxury, it's a need," helium said. "It's thing that our patients request to marque it done their treatment."

The 25-year-old was diagnosed with leukemia arsenic a kid and knows firsthand however important humor donations are.

"That shook my full family," Wesoloski recalled.

He said transfusions played a immense relation successful his palmy treatment.

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"Blood products, if you're connected a shortage, it's not similar you tin spell find immoderate magic supplier. You can't nutrient that connected a whim. We request donors," Wesoloski said.

But, with a captious humor shortage close now, there's interest astir what happens if donors don't reply the telephone for help.

"Our patients are begging them from their infirmary rooms to spell retired and donate," helium said.

SEE ALSO | Blood donations needed, proviso debased up of ABC7 Great Chicago Blood Drive

Wesoloski has been successful remission for galore years present and is present caring for children who are surviving the aforesaid world helium erstwhile lived.

If you'd similar to donate, you tin motion up for the Great Chicago Blood Drive that volition beryllium held adjacent Tuesday and Wednesday astatine aggregate locations.

Make an assignment to springiness humor arsenic soon arsenic imaginable by utilizing the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting oregon calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

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