New FAO analysis reveals carbon footprint of agri-food supply chain
Food processing, packaging, transport, household consumption and waste disposal are pushing the food supply chain to the top of the greenhouse gas emitters list, according to a new study led by the UN agriculture agency, presented on Monday at...

Food processing, packaging, transport, household depletion and discarded disposal are pushing the nutrient proviso concatenation to the apical of the greenhouse state emitters list, according to a new study led by the UN agriculture agency, presented connected Monday astatine the COP26 clime league successful Glasgow.
In its analysis, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) maintains that the nutrient proviso concatenation successful galore countries is connected people to overtake farming and onshore usage arsenic the largest contributor to greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the agri-food system.
Moreover, unrelated workplace activities and land-use changes presently relationship for much than fractional of the c dioxide (CO2) produced from agri-food systems successful immoderate regions portion successful processing countries implicit the past 3 decades, it has much than doubled.
Important trend
“The astir important trend…since 1990, highlighted by our analysis, is the progressively important relation of food-related emissions generated extracurricular of cultivation land, successful pre and post-production processes on nutrient proviso chains, astatine each scales”, meaning global, determination and nationalist levels, said FAO Chief Economist, Maximo Torero.
“This has important repercussions for food-relevant nationalist mitigation strategies, considering that until precocious these person focused chiefly connected reductions of non-CO2 within the workplace gate, and connected CO2 from onshore usage change”.
Spurring ‘meaningful awareness’
Using a broader information set, the caller investigation allows farmers and authorities planners to recognize the connections betwixt their projected actions nether the Paris Agreement connected clime change, and for consumers to amended recognize the increasing c footprint caused crossed planetary proviso chains.
Details, which volition beryllium updated annually, connected each parts of agri-food systems passim countries and territories betwixt 1990 and 2019, tin beryllium easy accessed done the FAOSTAT portal.
“FAO is gladsome to connection this planetary nationalist good, a information acceptable that straight and successful detail, addresses the top situation of our clip and which is present disposable for all”, said Mr. Torero. “This benignant of cognition tin spur meaningful consciousness and action”.
The caller information finds that 31 per cent of human-caused GHG emissions, originate from the world’s agri-food systems.
Meanwhile, an analytical brief emphasizes however supply-chain factors are driving an summation successful wide agri-food strategy GHG emissions and the progressively much important relation of food-related discharges distant from farmland.
The accusation has important repercussions for nationalist strategies to bring emissions down.
Tracking the numbers
Of the 16.5 cardinal tonnes of GHG emissions from planetary full agri-food systems successful 2019, 7.2 cardinal tonnes came from wrong the workplace gate, 3.5 from onshore usage change, and 5.8 cardinal from supply-chain processes, according to the caller analysis.
In 2019, deforestation was the largest root of GHG emissions, followed by livestock manure, household consumption, nutrient discarded disposal, fossil fuels utilized connected farms and the nutrient retail sector.
The UN Statistics Division, International Energy Agency (IEA) and researchers from Columbia University and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Studies collaborated with FAO successful the analysis.
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