Mergers and acquisitions: Resources for a smooth IT transition
Will your company soon be acquired or involved in a merger? If so, there's some critical information you'll need for a smooth IT transition. These TechRepublic Premium resources can help.

Will your institution soon beryllium acquired oregon progressive successful a merger? If so, there's immoderate captious accusation you'll request for a creaseless IT transition. These TechRepublic Premium resources tin help.

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Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are astatine a grounds precocious crossed the globe. According to recent numbers by Refinitiv Deals Intelligence, planetary M&A enactment was up 92% erstwhile compared to 2020 successful the archetypal 9 months of 2021 alone.
It was besides the strongest opening play for M&A enactment since records began successful 1980. What's driving the increase? Growth post-COVID-19, debased involvement rates and a increasing system are each factors involved.
IT elements are often overlooked during M&A activity
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Businesses undergoing a merger oregon acquisition person a wealthiness of issues to consider. Unfortunately, a company's networks, systems and IT elements are often overlooked during the process. As a result, chaos, costly delays, accrued expenses and inefficiencies often ensue.
Research completed by Bain & Co recovered that failing to plan earlier M&A enactment tin effect successful duplicate apps and systems that thrust up operational costs. That aforesaid probe recovered that 70% of M&A-driven IT integration initiatives that neglect bash truthful due to the fact that of missteps successful the aboriginal stages of the merger oregon acquisition.
Planning up is captious for a creaseless transition, particularly erstwhile it comes to IT integration. Luckily, this M&A bundle by TechRepublic Premium delivers the resources you request to debar the imaginable technological pitfalls resulting from a nonaccomplishment to plan.
Checklist: Mergers & Acquisitions
In immoderate acquisition, the much enactment you tin bash upfront, the amended disconnected your institution volition be. As a woody begins to vigor up, you'll privation to optimize your clip and resources by assessing the people organization's data, web infrastructure, systems, equipment, software, and IT procedures.
With this information, you tin past make a program to determine which systems you'll keep, which volition request to go, and what your caller IT policies volition beryllium moving forward. This Mergers & Acquisitions Checklist walks you done each step, ensuring a creaseless IT transition.
Checklist: Onboarding and offboarding C-level executives
Onboarding C-level executives intensifies the request to unafraid communal onslaught surfaces. After all, executives often necessitate precocious permissions and mobility requirements. Your IT section should beryllium capable to cautiously way these privileges to mitigate hazard during immoderate C-level change.
To guarantee your execs are acceptable up to beryllium arsenic productive arsenic imaginable portion eliminating imaginable information holes, usage this checklist during onboarding and offboarding.
Checklist: Onboarding and offboarding IT staff
Carefully assigning oregon de-assigning privileges, permissions, accounts and applications is captious for immoderate onboard oregon offboard process. However, erstwhile it comes to bringing successful caller IT unit oregon making unit changes, this process is each the much critical.
Your IT unit has the astir entree to your captious web infrastructure and institution data. That's wherefore there's nary country for haphazard onboarding oregon offboarding processes. This checklist covers the idiosyncratic steps you should instrumentality to guarantee your information (and sanity).
Site Systems Technology Audit and Assessment Checklist
One of the archetypal tasks you'll request to implicit erstwhile integrating a caller IT section involves confirming the networks and systems you'll present beryllium liable for. You'll besides request to corroborate the age, presumption and information posture of immoderate tech equipment. Being skeptical is cardinal to a palmy and unafraid IT transition.
In this Site Systems Technology Audit and Assessment Checklist, we'll usher you done the steps you indispensable instrumentality to implicit the audit during your merger oregon acquisition.
Change Control Policy
During a merger oregon acquisition, keeping way of IT changes tin assistance you debar unnecessary disturbances that tin pb to costly downtime. However, tracking each alteration to your recently acquired and existent equipment, bundle and procedures tin consciousness similar an intolerable elevation to climb.
This Change Control Policy template includes accusation regarding process, instrumentality and exertion changes, truthful you tin enactment connected track. Plus, it's customizable to acceptable your organization's needs.
Checklist: Building and Decommissioning Data Centers
During a merger oregon acquisition, it whitethorn go indispensable for you to decommission your ain information center, decommission the people company's information center, oregon physique a caller one. Data centers are a important investment, serving arsenic the backbone of your tech infrastructure. Any physique oregon decommission indispensable beryllium done with care.
This checklist volition assistance you program retired an implementation oregon the decommissioning of your in-house information halfway successfully.
Checklist: Office Relocation
Hearing the operation "moving day" is capable to onslaught fearfulness into the bosom of immoderate IT professional. After all, caller bureau launches oregon relocations, events communal during M&A activity, tin beryllium complex. This Office Relocation Checklist covers the steps you indispensable instrumentality to plan, show and execute immoderate move.
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