Lenny Kravitz makes coffee and our morning
Good morning, Lenny!

(CNN)Good morning, Lenny!
Lenny Kravitz, clad successful an unbuttoned leopard garment and sunglasses, treated fans to a sexy selfie successful his room wherever helium was making coffee.
It was really afternoon, though Kravitz slept in, writing, "2:37pm. Good morning. All nighter successful the workplace past night. 3 albums connected the horizon. Going backmost in. Love."
Kravitz received immoderate comic comments, including 1 from Channing Tatum, who is presently moving with Kravitz's daughter, Zoe, connected an upcoming thriller.
"Good deity man! What are you eating oregon what's successful the h2o oregon the genes. It's not natural. Do you conscionable bash abs similar each day?" Tatum wrote.
The Rock commented, "My brotha. Inspiring."
One pistillate wrote that she was truthful distracted by the picture, that she ignored the different commenters. "You bash recognize nary 1 is speechmaking your captions for evident reasons," she wrote.
One antheral weighed successful with "Hi Lenny, we person a batch of things successful common. For illustration I bought the aforesaid mocha."
Another commenter simply wrote, "Leonard."
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