Florida Boy, 16, dies in police custody after chase

Police accidental teen carjacked sports conveyance earlier chase
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – A South Florida teen died successful constabulary custody connected Monday aft helium was arrested for a carjacking and starring constabulary officers connected a chase, authorities said.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said it was launching an probe pursuing the decease of the 16-year-old boy, whose sanction was being withheld until his household was notified.
According to Miami-Dade police, the lad carjacked a sports conveyance and led Hollywood constabulary officers connected a pursuit that went into Miami-Dade County from Broward County. The lad mislaid power of the conveyance and it careened crossed a road’s median and into opposing lanes earlier crashing into a fence, according to the Miami Herald.
The lad was taken into custody by Hollywood constabulary officers, and Miami-Dade Fire Rescue treated him astatine the scene. Miami-Dade constabulary officers past took custody of the boy, who became unconscious a abbreviated clip later. He was taken to Hialeah Hospital wherever helium died.
A origin of decease has not yet been made public, according to Miami tv presumption WPLG.
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