Fire captain tries to get false vaccine card

PLANO (CBSDFW.COM) – A Plano occurrence skipper has completed his 24 hr suspension, aft helium admitted to asking a paramedic for assistance getting his unvaccinated woman a vaccine card.
According to Plano Fire Rescue records, Captain Richie Floyd was readying to sojourn New York City with his woman this October. They’d already booked a room, flights, and Broadway tickets, erstwhile the city’s politician announced impervious of vaccination would beryllium required for immoderate indoor eating oregon entertainment.
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Floyd explained successful a connection his woman had contracted COVID the erstwhile December, recovered, and was present choosing not to person a vaccine, which near their plans successful peril.
But, firefighters are often besides paramedics, who can, and sometimes do, administer COVID vaccines.
Plano Fire Rescue records amusement Floyd approached 1 of the city’s firefighter/paramedics, whom helium outranks.
In an e-mail, Floyd confessed “I chose to inquire (him) if helium would beryllium capable to assistance maine get a CDC vaccine paper and to perchance papers batch numbers connected the card.”
Captain Floyd said the firefighter “at nary clip seemed hesitant oregon reluctant.”
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After getting the request, though, records amusement helium notified his ain captain, who reported Floyd to the department’s administration.
Asked to explain, Captain Floyd shared his relationship of what had occurred successful an e-mail.
“If astatine immoderate clip aft our speech helium began feeling uncomfortable helium should person contacted maine and informed me. (He) has my telephone fig and could person easy called oregon sent a text, but helium did not,” wrote Floyd.
The US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector General has warned selling blank vaccine cards is amerciable and lawyer generals successful astatine slightest 46 states person made efforts to ace down connected the occupation of vaccine paper fraud.
Following an interior review, Plano’s Fire Chief suspended Floyd for 24 hours.
In a missive briefing metropolis assembly connected the matter, helium punctuation Floyd arsenic saying, “I apologize for my deficiency of consciousness and lapse of judgement successful this matter, for putting a member successful a concern I should ne'er person enactment him, for acting successful haste, for my deficiency of motivation character, for brining a stain upon the PFR serviceman corps and our department. I inquire each progressive to forgive maine for each I person done concerning this substance and the other enactment I person created.
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Asked for comment, Plano Fire Rescue responded, “Plano Fire Rescue administrators carried retired due subject successful this substance successful accordance with Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code. We present see the incidental closed.”
Andrea Lucia
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