COP26: World agrees to phase-out fossil fuel subsidies and reduce coal
Nearly 200 countries at UN climate summit in Glasgow also commit to revisit and strengthen their 2030 emissions reductions plans next year, keeping the door open to crucial 1.5°C temperature goal

By Adam Vaughan
COP26 delegates had been negotiating for 2 weeks successful Glasgow, UK Jonne Roriz/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Nearly 200 countries person made an unprecedented and historical pledge astatine the COP26 clime summit to velocity up the extremity of fossil substance subsidies and trim the usage of coal, aft India pushed done an 11th hr involution to weaken the connection connected coal.
Crucially, contempt astir a fortnight’s negotiations that ran much than 24 hours late, the 196 countries gathering successful Glasgow committed to issuing stronger 2030 clime plans adjacent twelvemonth successful a bid to avert unsafe planetary warming.
Pledges astatine COP26 are expected to spot Earth lukewarm 2.4°C this century, amended than the predicted 2.7°C predicted earlier the acme but inactive a emergence that would bring extreme clime impacts and spot countries overshoot their shared goals of 1.5°C and “well below” 2°C.
The committedness to “revisit and strengthen” caller plans by the extremity of 2022 means the UK authorities hosting the acme tin credibly assertion to person delivered its purpose of “keeping alive” the 1.5°C target. “It is simply a large moment,” says Chris Stark of the Climate Change Committee, an autarkic radical that advises the UK government.
Fresh plans submitted adjacent twelvemonth for curbing emissions successful 2030 indispensable beryllium aligned with the 1.5°C goal, an important caller request that means those governments who autumn abbreviated volition person to warrant wherefore to their citizens. Australia, Brazil and Indonesia are among galore countries whose existing plans are inadequate and volition request to beryllium strengthened.
Until today, ember and fossil substance subsidies person ne'er been explicitly mentioned successful 26 years of treaties and decisions astatine UN clime talks, contempt ember being 1 of the cardinal drivers of planetary warming and $5.9 trillion of subsidies being fixed annually to coal, lipid and gas.
The connection successful COP26’s last determination text, present known arsenic the Glasgow Climate Pact, sees countries hold to “accelerating efforts” connected the phase-out of “inefficient” subsidies. In a melodramatic last-minute intervention, minutes earlier the result was adopted, India projected a watered-down mentation of the connection connected coal, changing “phasing down” of ember alternatively than “phasing out.”
Despite respective countries expressing choler astatine the last-ditch move, the weaker substance was officially adopted. COP26 president Alok Sharma said helium was “deeply sorry” for the mode the last minutes unfolded, and was visibly emotional. The determination covers “unabated” coal, meaning an exemption for ember erstwhile it is combined with c seizure and storage.
The commitments made successful Glasgow volition disappoint galore clime campaigners for falling abbreviated of putting the satellite connected people to astir halve emissions by 2030, the way needed to bounds warming to 1.5°C.
Experts said it was nevertheless a bully result for 1 acme and a lawsuit of expectations being excessively high. “It’s not enough. But this is simply a process. I would person loved Glasgow to person fixed the problem, but it won’t and it was ne'er going to,” says Stark. A way to a 1.5°C aboriginal is present “hanging by a thread” but “is inactive there, which is amazing”, helium adds.
Michael Jacobs of the University of Sheffield, who was antecedently an advisor to the erstwhile UK premier curate Gordon Brown, says the astir countries could execute astatine COP26 was to admit their 2030 plans were not bully capable and hold to instrumentality adjacent twelvemonth with amended ones aligned to a 1.5°C trajectory. “They’ve done that,” helium says.
Money formed a large shadiness implicit the summit, aft it emerged that affluent countries would not present their committedness of $100 cardinal of concern a twelvemonth to poorer countries until 2023, 3 years late. Countries expressed their “deep regret” that lone astir $80 cardinal was delivered successful 2019, a 4th of which was for adapting to clime change. They besides agreed to hash retired a caller program successful the adjacent 3 years for what a aboriginal clime concern extremity looks similar beyond 2025.
Adaptation was a cardinal contented that roseate up the docket astatine Glasgow, aft being mostly overshadowed by emissions cuts astatine past UN clime summits. This time, developed countries agreed that by 2025 they indispensable treble adaptation concern to astir $40 cardinal a year. And nations agreed to enactment retired a caller planetary adaptation extremity successful aboriginal talks.
The league stopped abbreviated of accepting a connection by a radical of 77 processing countries and China, which called for a caller money for the highly-charged contented of ‘loss and damage’. That would person been the archetypal measurement to immoderate signifier of fiscal compensation from richer to poorer countries for utmost upwind and different clime impacts specified arsenic rising oversea levels. However, nations promised to proceed talking astir backing for “loss and harm associated with the adverse impacts of clime change”.
Countries besides reached statement connected method but important rules connected the Paris Agreement that person proved intractable successful the six years since the world’s archetypal broad global clime pact was agreed. Chief among those are the rules governing a caller planetary c marketplace nether ‘article 6’ of the Paris accord, paving the mode for a successor to a past strategy called the UN Clean Development Mechanism.
Other outstanding items successful the ‘Paris rulebook’ were ironed out, including “common timeframes” for erstwhile countries contented caller c targets. That volition beryllium each 5 years for a caller people 10 years’ later, truthful 2025 for 2035, and truthful on. Transparency rules implicit reporting of emissions cuts were resolved too.
The last decisions were gavelled done by COP26 president Alok Sharma this evening aft astir a fortnight of talks successful Glasgow. That authoritative support followed 3 hours of galore countries’ delegates listing their mixed feelings astir the last deal: “it’s not perfect… but it does correspond existent progress” said Tina Stege of the Marshall Islands. Negotiators had worked overnight for respective days successful a row.
Earlier successful the summit, countries struck a bid of voluntary broadside deals connected halting deforestation, stopping planetary financing for coal, blocking caller lipid and state projects and curbing methane, a short-lived but almighty greenhouse gas.
The league was attended astatine the outset by 120 satellite leaders, including US president Joe Biden and Indian president Narendra Modi, who announced India would deed nett zero emissions by 2070. Several different countries including Australia and Saudi Arabia besides declared semipermanent nett zero goals connected the eve of COP26, meaning astir 90 per cent of satellite emissions are present covered by a nett zero target. “The displacement successful the semipermanent outlook has been utterly dramatic,” says Stark.
Countries agreed that adjacent year’s UN clime acme volition beryllium held successful Egypt.
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