Colombia calls for global financial consensus to avert COVID debt crisis
The President of Colombia on Tuesday warned that many developing countries have increased their fiscal deficit to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, putting at risk their financial capacity to act on other priorities, such as climate change.

The President of Colombia connected Tuesday warned that galore processing countries person accrued their fiscal shortage to woody with the COVID-19 pandemic, putting astatine hazard their fiscal capableness to enactment connected different priorities, specified arsenic clime change.
“Many (countries) person not begun to process the indispensable taxation reforms to wage exigency expenses, and contiguous they are being evaluated with pre-pandemic criteria by recognition standing agencies”, said Ivan Duque, during his code to the 76th UN General Assembly.
The Colombian Head of State called for a statement connected a caller fiscal hazard classification led by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and multilateral improvement banks.
“Otherwise, successful the abbreviated term, fixed the request for indebtedness and an summation wide outgo of capital, a indebtedness situation whitethorn beryllium precipitated bringing greater setbacks and planetary recessive effects”, helium said.
The situation for clime action
Colombia has made a committedness to trim its greenhouse state emissions by 51 per cent by 2030, and to scope c neutrality by 2050, said Mr. Duque.
According to the President, the state has already passed authorities to boost vigor modulation done non-conventional renewable sources. The program would enactment Colombia connected the way to zero deforestation by 2030, the instauration of a circular economy, wherever depletion does not outstrip production, and support those parts of the Amazon basin wrong the country’s borders.
Mr. Duque said however, that the constricted disposable nationalist financing pursuing the pandemic, will go an obstacle to conscionable those goals.
“I suggest to the satellite that, for a play of clip and with the enactment of the IMF, we found a regularisation successful which each clime enactment spending and investments tin beryllium located extracurricular the accepted enactment of measurement of the fiscal deficit”, helium highlighted.
He said that his projected rule, on with different alleviation measures and forgiveness of multilateral debt, should beryllium applied arsenic soon arsenic imaginable and without conditions.
“Addressing urgent investments cannot get caught up successful governmental debates derived from conflicts implicit the allocation of resources. The enactment is [needed] now, immediately, and we cannot postpone it”, Mr. Duque emphasized.

IMF/Joaquin Sarmiento
People deterioration look masks successful Medellin, Colombia, to forestall the dispersed of COVID-19.
The bid agreement
Addressing the Peace Agreement which ended decades of civilian conflict, the President said that Colombia was making advancement successful gathering “Peace with Legality”, his landmark nationalist argumentation since 2018.
“Not adjacent the effects of this cruel COVID-19 pandemic moved america distant from the committedness to our state to spot the extremity of narco-terrorist violence”.
He added that determination has been a important advancement successful the reincorporation process of FARC ex-combatants nether his government, observed by the UN Verification Mission.
However, helium noted that the challenges are inactive large, owed to FARC rebel dissidents, arsenic good arsenic different transgression groups specified arsenic ELN that proceed to persistently onslaught “social and biology quality rights defenders”.
Full connection successful Spanish here.
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