Bahrain selects Nokia technology for digital transformation of water infrastructure
The project's first phase will connect more than 500 substations and will pave the way for more IoT projects in the island nation.

The project's archetypal signifier volition link much than 500 substations and volition pave the mode for much IoT projects successful the land nation.

Image: iStock/NanoStockk
Bahrain's Electricity and Water Authority is utilizing Nokia exertion to modernize its h2o organisation network. In the archetypal phase, the task volition screen the Al Muharraq country successful Bahrain and a backstage LTE web for concern connectivity.
Initially the web volition link 500 secondary substations and six superior substations to the cardinal location. The solution volition beryllium based connected 3GPP standardization connected 410 MHz Band B87.
A spokesperson for the inferior said successful a property merchandise that this task paves the mode for smoother adoption of IoT products and much astute services successful the future.
Kamal Ballout, caput of Nokia Enterprise, Middle East, Africa, China and India astatine Nokia, said successful a property merchandise the company's exertion provides reliable and ultra-high-speed broadband wireless networking to inferior customers.
"Private LTE is enabling inferior organizations astir the satellite to simplify web absorption and usage automation to bring down costs," Ballout said.
The hardware and bundle for the task include:
- Nokia IP/MPLS wireless router 7705 SAR-Hmc for astute grid communications
- Nokia Compact Mobility Unit to supply the mobile packet halfway functions for mobile broadband, IoT and Machine-type Communication
- Nokia Network Services Platform for automation of IP and optical networks
- Nokia LTE vigor instrumentality for capableness management
During the 2nd signifier of the project, the web volition link thousands of secondary substations and hundreds of superior substations dispersed crossed the full country.
The Kingdom of Bahrain is an land federation successful the Persian Gulf that includes 50 earthy islands and 33 artificial islands. Muharraq is simply a metropolis connected Muharraq Island known for constrictive alleys and accepted Bahraini houses. Bahrain's planetary airdrome is successful Muharraq.
Smart cities, clime alteration and h2o infrastructure
Climate alteration is expanding the frequence of drought, according to a caller United Nations report. Also, arsenic the world's colonisation grows, truthful volition the request for water. One adept said successful an interrogation with Bloomberg that metropolis planners volition person to conscionable expanding request for h2o from residential, concern and ecological sectors successful the short-term and the long-term. Water is measured little than different systems, according to h2o usage adept Dragan Savic, which makes it harder to manage.
This means recycling water, reducing usage and making h2o systems much efficient. This means that homeowners and cities volition request to usage exertion to execute these goals. IoT technology is portion of the solution to observe leaks sooner and show usage. A Texas institution is using borderline computing and IoT sensors to assistance cities modernize crumbling h2o infrastructure and inaccurate h2o meters. The caller infrastructure measure successful the U.S. includes $55 cardinal for improving h2o systems. The American Society of Civil Engineers stated successful a caller study astir h2o infrastructure that "billions of dollars are needed each twelvemonth to renew and regenerate outdated pipes, pumps, retention facilities and attraction plants that guarantee cleanable h2o delivers to homes and businesses and transportation distant and safely dainty sewage and stormwater…"
The ASCE's Infrastructure astir caller Report Card assigned drinking h2o and wastewater infrastructure a D and D+, respectively. The enactment said that "closing the concern gap
would beryllium equivalent to the nation's h2o infrastructure achieving astatine slightest a "B" missive grade, reaching a authorities of bully repair and posing a minimal risk, oregon an "A" missive grade, a modular of resilience and capableness that is acceptable for the future."
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