Anti-satellite weapons: Will further tests make space more dangerous?
After the Russian military smashed a defunct satellite, creating a cloud of dangerous debris, other powers may wish to prove they have similar capabilities

After the Russian subject smashed a defunct satellite, creating a unreality of unsafe debris, different powers whitethorn privation to beryllium they person akin capabilities Space | Analysis 17 November 2021
By Leah Crane
Astronauts successful the International Space Station had to instrumentality structure arsenic the presumption passed done a unreality of debris NASA
On 15 November, astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) were awoken and told to batten down the hatches and instrumentality cover. A unreality of debris from a smashed-up outer was heading towards the station, and the 7 astronauts sheltered successful their Soyuz and Crew Dragon capsules, which are much heavy protected than the remainder of the craft, for 2 hours arsenic it passed. They repeated this 90 minutes aboriginal arsenic the debris came astir the satellite again.
The debris came from a defunct Soviet outer called Cosmos-1408, destroyed deliberately successful a trial of a Russian anti-satellite (ASAT) device. The trial created much than 1500 shards of outer ample capable to way and hundreds of thousands of smaller bits, each hurtling astir Earth astir 485 kilometres up.
The ISS and each its passengers emerged from the unreality safely, and portion it has since made respective different adjacent passes, nary of them person caused immoderate superior damage. But the debris could stay successful orbit for years, endangering spacecraft and forcing satellites to manoeuvre retired of the way.
After the test, the US authorities reacted rapidly with outrage. “Russia has demonstrated a deliberate disregard for the security, safety, stability, and semipermanent sustainability of the abstraction domain for each nations,” said James Dickinson, commandant of the US Space Command, successful a statement. “The debris created by Russia’s [ASAT] volition proceed to airs a menace to activities successful outer abstraction for years to come, putting satellites and abstraction missions astatine risk.”
The Russian abstraction agency, Roscosmos, released an announcement stating: “For us, the main precedence has been and remains to guarantee the unconditional information of the crew.” Of the 7 unit members aboard the ISS during the test, 2 are Russian.
However, others successful the abstraction formation manufacture accidental that this trial endangered each of the astronauts presently successful orbit. “I’m outraged by this irresponsible and destabilizing action,” said NASA head Bill Nelson successful a statement. “With its agelong and storied past successful quality spaceflight, it is unthinkable that Russia would endanger not lone the American and planetary spouse astronauts connected the ISS, but besides their ain cosmonauts. Their actions are reckless and dangerous, threatening arsenic good the Chinese abstraction presumption and the taikonauts connected board.”
This isn’t the lone ASAT trial that has been conducted, arsenic the Russian Defense Ministry noted successful a statement successful which it besides claimed that the debris “did not correspond and volition not airs a menace to orbital stations, spacecraft and abstraction activities”. China conducted a trial successful 2007 that resulted successful immoderate fragments that are inactive circling Earth – the ISS precocious had to set its orbit somewhat to debar one. The US conducted 1 successful 2008, and India did arsenic good successful 2019, but some of those tests destroyed satellites successful comparatively debased orbits, truthful the resulting debris fell and burned up successful the ambiance wrong months.
There is nary international treaty officially forbidding ASAT tests, but similar erstwhile tests this was a show of unit that volition not spell unnoticed by different abstraction powers. The information is that alternatively than resulting successful laws against ASAT weapons, a taxable that has agelong been contentious, this volition provoke further tests from different countries wishing to beryllium that they person akin capabilities. If that happens, it could marque abstraction a minefield of speeding garbage for decades oregon longer.
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