9-Year-Old Becomes 10th Casualty of Astroworld's Crowd Surge
A young boy who was injured at the Astroworld Festival in Houston has become the 10th person to die from a huge crowd surge at the event.

HealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, Nov. 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- A young lad who was injured astatine the Astroworld Festival successful Houston has go the 10th idiosyncratic to dice from a immense assemblage surge astatine the event.
Ezra Blount, 9, was trampled astatine the festival and had been placed successful a medically induced coma successful an effort to woody with terrible brain, liver and kidney trauma, attorneys for his household said past week, CBS News reported.
"The Blount household contiguous is grieving the ultimate, incomprehensible nonaccomplishment of their precious young son," the attorneys said successful a statement. "This should not person been the result of taking their lad to a concert, a joyful celebration. Ezra's decease is perfectly heartbreaking. We are committed to seeking answers and justness for the Blount family. But contiguous we basal successful solidarity with the family, successful grief, and successful prayer."
Ezra's household is suing Travis Scott and different performance organizers for negligence, and the suit says that Ezra was "kicked, stepped on, and trampled, and astir crushed to death" during the assemblage surge.
"I americium saddened to larn of Ezra's decease this evening," Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner tweeted. "Our metropolis contiguous prays for his mom, dad, grandparents, different household members and classmates astatine this time. They volition request each of our enactment successful the months and years to come. May God springiness them strength. RIP Ezra."
Scott and different festival organizers are facing galore lawsuits implicit what happened astatine the concert. Scott has said helium volition wage for the ceremonial expenses of the victims and added that helium was "absolutely devastated by what took place."
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