Press Release Pricing: Everything You Need To Know

1 year ago 303


You've probably noticed the price of your press release is not just a simple number. Press release pricing can be complicated, and there are a lot of factors that go into how much you pay for a press release. In this post, we'll talk about what determines the price of your PRWeb Pricing, who's actually charging what for it, and why it matters.

What is the Price for a Press Release?

The price for a press release varies by the service provider, industry, and distribution options. The more releases you have in your campaign, the higher the cost per release will be. The longer your release is (in terms of words), the more expensive it will be to publish.

The price that's quoted is usually per release; however, some companies offer packages with multiple releases as part of their services so there may be additional costs involved in this case.

The Cost of a Press Release Service

The cost of a press release service varies based on the topic and length, as well as distribution channels. If you want to submit your PRNewswire Pricing  through a specific distribution channel, such as online or print publications, then the price will increase accordingly.

The cost also depends on how many sources are included in your release: if there’s only one source listed then it may be cheaper than if there are multiple sources (or even just one).

PR Web Prices

The PR Web pricing model is based on the number of words in a press release. For example, if you submit a 600-word press release to us and we publish it for you at $199 per month, the price will be $1,000 ($200/month × 3 months = $600).

When we receive more than one draft from you at different lengths (up to 10 drafts), our team will make sure that each draft has roughly the same length so that they can be published together as one single piece without any additional costs incurred by having multiple drafts created by different writers.

If you want us to publish your story differently than how it appears in its original form but still keep all of its elements intact (such as adding multimedia content or social media distribution), then this would also be included in our pricing structure; however, there may be additional charges associated with these requests which vary depending on which service provider uses them most often.

PR Newswire Pricing

PR Newswire is the most expensive Marketwired Pricing. It's also the most popular and flexible, so it's worth considering if you want to get more bang for your buck. While it may take a little more time to set up an account and get started, PRNewswire is great if you're looking to reach a large number of people with a single release or if there are many reporters who cover similar topics but haven't paid attention yet.

If you're looking for something that will save money while still getting results (and don't mind spending some time on the backend), try BlueKit Media instead - they offer friendly customer support as well as free templates galore!

Marketwired Pricing

Marketwired pricing is straightforward and easy to understand. It's based on the number of words in your press release, the distribution channels you choose, and the length of time you want your press release to be published.

Here's an example: If you submit 1,000 words for $100 per month (the industry standard), but also agree that Marketwired will publish your article for free on their website for one year after the publication date—that's 12 months after submission—then that same 1,000-word article would cost $120 over 12 months!

Business Wire Pricing

Business Wire is the official Press Release Pricing of Business Wire. The company offers a variety of services, including:

  • Press releases. Businesses can submit their press release to be distributed by Business Wire for $35 per month (or $150 per year).

  • Distribution services. If you want to distribute your own press releases through this platform, you'll need to pay another fee—$99 per month (or $299 per year) for up to 5 releases/month; or $199/month ($599 annually) if you exceed these limits. These fees apply regardless of how many times your content is shared on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!

Businesses may also choose "Distribution Service" as an additional option when submitting their press releases for distribution by Business Wire: This option will allow them to access everything above but with additional features like being able to customize their email template so that it matches their brand identity perfectly!

There are a number of pricing factors.

Pricing is based on a number of factors, including:

  • The number of words in the release.

  • The number of images in the release.

  • The number of links to other sites within your PR package (links are not counted when determining to price).

The price you pay is based on how many channels it will be distributed through, but if you choose to have your Business Wire Pricing  posted only on one website or blog and then distributed by us through another channel like email or social media platform, we'll contact them directly instead and bill them separately for this service.


We hope this article has helped you understand your options so that you can make the best decisions for your company. Remember that a press release is a valuable tool for spreading the word about your product or service, and it should be treated as such. Don’t be afraid of spending some money on something that can help grow your business!

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