Kanye West is throwing a listening party in Atlanta

2 years ago 311

(CNN)Remember erstwhile Kanye West rapped "My beingness is simply a present," connected his 2010 azygous "Monster?"

Well the acquisition looks similar it whitethorn beryllium back.

West's squad announced Monday that helium volition contiguous a listening lawsuit for his expected caller album, "Donda," astatine 8 p.m. Thursday astatine Mercedes-Benz Stadium successful Atlanta.

    There aren't a batch of details yet astir what volition beryllium the 10th workplace medium from West. It's named for his mother, Donda West, who died successful 2007 pursuing cosmetic surgery.

      His past album, "Jesus Is King," was released successful 2019.

        West is successful the midst of a divorcement from Kim Kardashian West after she filed successful February.

        The brace are the parents of 4 young children.

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