Britney Spears returns to court. Follow live coverage

2 years ago 267
Jamie Spears, Britney Spears' father, leaves the Stanley Mosk Courthouse successful  Los Angeles connected  October 24, 2012.Jamie Spears, Britney Spears' father, leaves the Stanley Mosk Courthouse successful Los Angeles connected October 24, 2012. (Nick Ut/AP)

In a tribunal filing obtained by CNN successful aboriginal September, Britney Spears' begetter and the conservator of her estate, Jamie Spears, cited his daughter's pleas astatine 2 abstracted tribunal hearings implicit the summertime successful his petition to terminate the 13-year conservatorship.

"Recent events related to this conservatorship person called into question whether circumstances person changed to specified an grade that grounds for constitution of a conservatorship whitethorn nary longer exist," the filing states.

"Ms. Spears has told this Court that she wants power of her beingness backmost without the information rails of a conservatorship. She wants to beryllium capable to marque decisions regarding her ain aesculapian care, deciding when, wherever and however often to get therapy. She wants to power the wealth she has made from her vocation and walk it without supervision oregon oversight. She wants to beryllium capable to get joined and person a baby, if she truthful chooses. In short, she wants to unrecorded her beingness arsenic she chooses without the constraints of a conservator oregon tribunal proceeding," the petition reads successful part.

"As Mr. Spears has said again and again, each helium wants is what is champion for his daughter. If Ms. Spears wants to terminate the conservatorship and believes that she tin grip her ain life, Mr. Spears believes that she should get that chance," the filing said.

Mathew Rosengart, lawyer for Britney Spears, called Tuesday's improvement "vindication."

"This filing represents different ineligible triumph for Britney Spears — a monolithic 1 — arsenic good arsenic vindication for Ms. Spears," Rosengart said successful a connection to CNN. "It appears that Mr. Spears believes helium tin effort to debar accountability and justice, including sitting for a sworn deposition and answering different find nether oath."

Rosengart added that Britney Spears volition "continue to research each options."

The elder Spears has served has conservator of his daughter's property since it was established successful 2009. He was besides the conservator of her person, overseeing her wellness and aesculapian issues until helium stepped speech successful 2019. That's erstwhile Jodi Montgomery was appointed the impermanent conservator of Spears' person.

During a proceeding successful July, Britney Spears said that she wanted to property charges against her begetter for "conservatorship abuse" and called the statement "f---ing cruelty."

Jamie Spears stated successful a erstwhile tribunal filing that helium intends to measurement down arsenic conservator.

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